Notice of Default Judgement Issued to Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation; Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata – Uttering Threats, Intimidation, and Liability
On the 23rd day of May, 2021, Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation was served a Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability in the amount of $1,000,000.00 for uttering threats with intent to intimidate and for discriminating against Me for a medical mask exemption, contrary to the Emergency Measures Act, and Canada’s Charter, Section 7.(a).
Shoppers Drug was clearly advised that default Judgement would be awarded against them on the International Public Court of Record without further notice to them if they failed to provide the name of their franchise store manager responsible for the offence and pay out the sum of $1,000,000.00 in damages for their trespasses against Me. The Notice Issued to Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation reads as follows:
“I am Giving You until the end of the 22nd day of June (30 days from the date of this Notice of Criminal Negligence and Civil Liability) to respond to this Notice. If You fail to provide a statement of defense, a Writ of apology, and guarantee My safety in Your stores, and the sum $1,000,000.00. CAD in restitution for damages before June 22nd, 2021, default judgment Will be awarded against You without further notice to You, and Will be Published on the International Public Record where the international community Will bear witness to My Deeds. Please also be advised that these Notices Will also be sworn onto the court of Record as a statement of facts regarding this Matter to be reviewed by a Justice of the Peace for criminal prosecution in accordance with Canadian and International Law, in addition to the civil tort.
No objection or protest was made to these terms and conditions, and default Judgement, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata is hereby awarded against You by Way of tacit agreement.
As You have failed to provide the name of the store manager responsible for the crimes against Me, and for failing to forward the Notice of Criminal and Civil liability to Your legal department, You are vicariously liable for Your franchise as the franchisor in accordance with Canadian law.
I Will NOT be filing a Statement of Claim for the $1,000,000.00 I am as King of You for in damages, as I am a not for profit Spiritual Man and the commercial penalty was intended to deter any future trespass upon My rights in any Shoppers Drug Mart franchise locations.
However, this Default Judgement stands, and Shoppers Drug Mart is hereby liable to Me in the amount of $1,000,000.00, as of this day, and a Statement of Claim Will be filed against You in Canada’s Superior Court without Notice to You if I am ever harassed or discriminated against in any of Your franchise stores for any reason in future, and the commercial penalties stated in the Notice of Criminal and Civil Liability Served upon You on the 23rd day of May 2021 Will be added to the outstanding amount owed to Me by Your corporation, as well as interest in accordance with the Courts of Justice Act.
If You Wish to have this Notice of Criminal and Civil liability removed from the International Public Court of Record, You can pay the $1,000,000.00 in damages and all Notices against You Will be retracted.
Govern Your corporation accordingly, and have a Blessed day.