Hallowed be My name. And Hallowed by Your Name also. What does ‘Hallowed’ mean? Well, do always double check My define a Sean’s Your Self, but most simply put, ‘to take that which was once Holy, and make it Holy once again’.
Christians might equate it to ‘Born Again’, or even a Christening. Christ is presumed to be the most Holy (in Christian Theology at least), so to ‘Christen’, literally means to make One’s Name as Holy as Christ’s. Right? On December 25th, 2016, I Officially (office-I-ally) placed My Trust in God to Honour My Father in Heaven, and to Honour My Hold on My father’s House, von Dehn.
It IS the Christian Book that governs the current (like a Sea) Commercial world (and in particular the King James Bible Version (Verse-Ion), Red Letter Version if You Wish to get serious about it – beyond that You’ll have to check with an expert in theology to know which particular edition might be best, but remember that the devil is in the details – the core message is the same, don’t be over thing King it) and Christ’s message is the Spiritual example Man is meant to follow. Even the Muslims Will not disagree with Me on that, I have many Muslim Friends (in fact, I am thing King all but One Friend in My Microcosm are Muslim) and the Ones I know agree with Me on this point. The only thing they fundamentally disagree on with respect to Christ, is that he IS (or was) God, or God’s Son. I presume that creates controversy because it would denounce the Immaculate Concept-Sean. The Muslims would also suggest that Mohammed was the perfect example to follow, but they don’t denounce any of the teaching of Christ (is the point I’m fundamentally trying to make). Basically, what I’m saying is that few People in the world Will suggest that Christ’s example was not an exceptional moral example to have set for the rest of Man’s kind. Super-natural, in fact, which makes it rather Immaculate subject Matter for this Son day Edition.
It’s also relevant because there is a Good reason We are Characters in the Bible. They Created a timeline so that no One could be outside of this fiction so long as they identify with today’s date and agree that it’s 2023. It’s Called the Gregorian or Anno-Domini calendar, and the date it Self is a Tribute to the Hero of that Story. Essentially, if One denies Christ, they deny what is. Whether Real or Imagine a Sean, Christ is Real and undeniable in Man’s psyche. That’s a phenomenal feat!!!
This also means that His Moral example has been programmed into the subconscious Mind of virtually all of Man. Well, water represents consciousness in Magic. Commercial Admiralty Law. The Ark of the Covenant is the citizen Ship, most of Man’s kind have not yet reached the Bank so they can Doc in Port, tie the ship (re-Cord) and disemb-Ark.
We were born into SIN because sea men (semen) are captains of citizen ships. The captain (Mister, Master, or Mistress) needs to exit the ship and return the vessel to the Crown. The owner of the Ship is liable to the Captain for any damages he suffered on the voyage home (so long as he or she returns the freaking ship – which of course no One ever does!).
Conversely, if the Captain continues to use the ship, the Captain must follow the Rules of the Sea if he Wishes to Sale on Commercial Admiralty Waters, and is liable for misuse of the Citizen’s ship and subject to fines or perhaps even imprisonment or similar. If One uses some One else’s stuff, they are liable to them for damages incurred for misuse of the stuff.
But One is never compelled to use some One else’s stuff! So I gave My citizen Ship back and placed My Trust in God to protect My Hold on House von Dehn in My father’s Honour. Hallowed by My name.
Yet My father’s Honour has been dis-Graced by My brother and sister, and all his Real property squandered without any One ever being appointed to protect My father’s legal and lawful interests guaranteed by his citizen Ship with Canada’s government. And My job (to Honour My father), is to make sure I return his ship to the Crown, too – and thank the King for his use of it, and the guarantee of My father’s inherent rights it Promises to protect.
Canada and it’s clown Courts have not Honoured the Rule of Law or My Trust in God, they have failed to Honour their obligations to protect My father’s rights, and My father Trusted Me to Hold them accountable. So tomorrow, in Honour of both My Father in Heaven and the Institution of ‘the Crown’ (King Charles III, House of Windsor), I Will be conducting an Official Investigate-Sean into Canada’s Courts to find out how this could happen. I Will be Posting all emails of the Investigate-Sean here.
The difference this time, is that I’m not at all happy about what I have already learned to be True about Canada’s Courts, and no Canadian should be. Allegedly, rights are protected in Canada and all Superior Courts of every province are of inherent jurisdiction. Charter and Treaty rights are the highest Law of Canada (or any country, really)!!! This means that this is the number one priority of the Superior Courts of each province, it is literally what every code, statute and Act passed by parliament is alleged to be guaranteeing the protect Sean of. And if they don’t, if a code, statute or Act violates a Charter right or Treaty obligation, the Court is supposed to be where One goes to get relief and remedy. The Canadian government has breached this Trust agreement with Me, and I am conducting an investigate-Sean to hold them accountable and find out why Canada’s Superior Courts are not Honouring their guarantee of Charter and Treaty rights.
To make sure this Crown Investigate-Sean is taken a little more seriously, I Will also be sending a Gift to the King him Self, Charles III. I Will offer congratulate-Sean’s on his Coronation and renew My Oath to God and the Crown – in that Order. I Will tell him that I am thing King the Crown’s repute a Sean is at stake and he may Wish to pay attention to the Investigate Sean I am conducting of officers who presume to represent His Majesty. I Will be curious to know if the King believes these officers represent ‘the Crown’, and I Will include a link to My list of Letters. Essentially, the Page is in Honour of His Majesty Specifically, I believe the repute a Sean of their House requires saving. God Save the King!!!
I have an Art Exhibit-Sean to get back to war King on, I can’t be at war with Canada’s government forever, so I have to take things up a notch – I am thing King this Will fit the bill, let Me know if You have any suggest-Sean’s. Ironically, the series was to Honour Canada’s State Actors and that seemed absolutely reasonable when I started the Idea – the Right Honourable Jody-Wilson Raybould was Attorney General and Minister of Justice at that time, and I can tell You 100% for sure that she would absolutely NOT be allowing this kind of nonsense to continue in Canada’s Courts if Trudeau had not fired her. The incompetence of Canada’s David Lametti was with criminal intent.
Here is a photo of My current garden which I Will update weekly until the season is over because it is another Love and passion in My Life. Some People in the community call Me ‘the garden whisperer’. Still lots I could do better, but it’s coming along.
Okay, before I go, let Me remind You why I believe that Trudeau’s choice for Minister of Justice was to let his criminal conduct go uninhibited. All the same lies were told to Canadians, like they were parroting Fauci and the WHO. It’s a Good Jimmy Dore stand up bit, too!
I’ll be war King on My Letter to the King next and I Will share it with You here (but not the Gift). I also have to Note David Lametti in default but I Will be doing that as part of My Investigate Sean into My Courts tomorrow.
Love and Blessings, lots of Good stuff to come in the near future, be excited, change is happening!!!
Oh, it is worth noting that if I didn’t know what I was tall King about, I would not get away with saying these things about such powerful law firms without them bringing a defame a Sean suit against Me. They can’t because everything is True and plain as day obviously True… Check it out for Your Self.
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