Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. For this Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition I might be keeping it somewhat short because I’m looking forward to catching up on some of the Good News that’s taking place in Man’s Macrocosm. I mentioned I still have the Andrew Tate interview with Tucker Carlson to watch, and tonight I’m going to be watching Jordan Peterson’s interview with the producers of the new theatrical release ‘Sound of Freedom’. But before I get My Self caught up on all of that, I do need to let You know about the latest Spelling of Magic Cast into Man’s Macrocosm with Tribunals Ontario. This is One of three lawsuits I have I have in Canada’s Crown Courts, and why it’s a Crown ‘Hat Trick’ for this Mage in a Sean.
And I also Imagine (I-Mage-in) that this Will be the kind of thing that merges My Microcosm with Man’s Macrocosm as I continue to Play My Part in this Universal Pictures Present a Sean. All a continue a Sean of My Story…
The most Significant and damning of all the Law Suits I have in Canada’s Crown Courts, is My Investigate-Sean into Ontario’s Superior Court and Canada’s current Minister of Justice and Attorney General David Lametti. We’ve pulled back the proverbial curtain in this Wizard of Oz Product-Sean by exposing some serious corruption in Canada’s Courts. I’m not going to say too much more about that now because I encourage You to read the investigate-Sean.
The Quest-Ion now, is just how deep does the corruption go? Are all of Canada’s Courts just a sham, an illusion of justice (much like democracy is the illusion of choice)? Or is it possible to consider that We are just pruning out a few bad apples from an otherwise fruitious tree?
The particular case is rather interesting because the claim is against the Ministry of Community and Social Services. The very Notices served upon the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) were served upon its Member of Parliament, Merrilee Fullerton. As I have mentioned many times previously in My Writings, the purpose of Writing the Member of Parliament is to exhaust every possible opportunity for amicable resolute-Sean to prevent Me from having to commence a lawful Action against the organization and its representative Agents (be thing King ‘Matrix’). Well, the Merrilee Fullerton handed in a ‘surprise resignation’ on the 24th of March, just eight days after being placed on Notice for breach of Trust and abdication of Oath. Coincidence? Yeah, We don’t believe in those here.
It does take some time to exhaust all the appropriate channels, too. I first had to let the organization investigate it Self and wait for them to determine they had done nothing wrong before I can appeal the decision. As this was going on I sent My letter to the MP responsible for this Ministry to let her know what was going on and Give her an opportunity to intervene. So My Claim against the Agents of the public Trust was not filed until May 29th.
However, the Good News is that so far I have been very impressed with Tribunals Ontario! Unlike the Superior Court of Ontario, I don’t feel like I’m being made to jump through hoops to have My legal and lawful arguments heard, they appear to be making things as easy as possible for Me.
Now, this is the sort of situation where I don’t require a name. All I require is proof My documents have been accepted by the Registrar. No documents in the Estate Application have been filed with the Registrar (processed) because they require My consent – and yet a number of law firms, My own brother, sister, a few Agents of the Court (including justices) and apparently even Canada’s Minister of Justice, David Lametti, are trying to gaslight Me. Why is Registrar so important? Because if it’s not filed with the Registrar, it does not represent the Crown! The Word Registrar specifically means that the King (yes, the actual Man, not the corporate body) is now taking ‘ownership’ of the Matter and is now responsible for the administration of Justice as Promised by Canada’s Charter and any ratified International Treaty obligations.
Notice the email address? MAG-G-COR-SBT. What are You thing King all of that means? Ministry of the Attorney General General Correspondence Social Benefits Tribunal. Why is that important? Who received this document?
Well, the True Copy reads RECEIVED MAG CORRESPONDENCE UNIT. I know I’m communicating with the Ministry that has a copy of My Trust on Record. A Ministry is a Spiritual Title.
Well, so much for keeping this short, but it is Free Lance Friday and this is a very important edition because My documents were also filed with the Ministry for the Early Resolution Opportunity today. I am thing King Ontario Works and the City of Ottawa do not have anywhere else left to run.
This is also the first time I am officially Acting as Trustee for another Beneficiary of the Public Trust. Colleen has Trusted that I Will advocate for her right to compensation for the breach of Trust. It is also legitimately recognized both legally and lawfully whether I had an Express Trust or not. Private information belonging to Colleen was sent to Me by accident, and by Way of demonstrable causality, Colleen has no choice but to Trust Me to be responsible with the inform a Sean and use it only for Colleen’s Benefit. Two People were harmed by the breach of Trust, both are entitled to compensate Sean. It might be easy to gaslight One Man, but not so easy to gaslight two.
At any rate, the other thing I Wished to mention is that the Ontario Tribunals are also of competent jurisdiction. I’ll get into that more another time but for now all it means is that they have the capacity to hear Charter violations. If they don’t provide the remedy One is as King for, it Will be the Divisional Court where One Will appeal the decision. The same option is available for determinations made by the Superior Court, which is how these two Courts are similar in jurisdictional capacity. The Benefit of the Tribunal, is that the Tribunal is less likely to try and gaslight Trust obligations. We Will soon find out.
I haven’t received confirm a Sean My documents have been accepted, but I am confident that I have filed them correctly and do not expect to receive confirm a Sean. I only anticipate hearing from the Tribunal if there is an Issue with any of the documents I have filed.
That’s all for this Fabulous Free Lance Friday, I’m off to watch this interview before it gets too, too late!!!
Love and Blessings,
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