Hello every One, welcome to the Sensei-Sean all Saturday Edition, thank King or Queen You for being here. Some Powerful Spells are war King their Magic in My Microcosm in Ways that are causing a Motion before the Court to move Matter in Man’s Macrocosm, too – primarily My dear brother and sister who have been (politely) summoned to appear in Court for the next Motion hearing on September 7th.
Technically and officially it’s not a summons. The email was sent on behalf of the Judge, and from the office of the trial coordinater.
I’m pretty sure that’s the Honourable Justice, Sally A. Gomery even though the initials don’t quite work (the first two letters probably stand for something else). As You can read for Your Self, it is not officially a summons. But it’s also not a request and this is very rare at any time, much less six days before the date of the hearing! I can guarantee Neil Milton Will be freaking out!!!
It was also sent just a few minutes before the Courts close on the Friday of a long weekend. Is One thing King that is a coincidence? This is how a Court sends a subtle message. I can tell You right now, if I were involved in some kind of corrupt-Sean and the Court suddenly decided to hear a Motion in person that I had requested to be heard virtually by Zoom over seven months previously as the Moving party?!… I would immediately presume I’m getting arrested and that’s why they are bringing Me to Court. I don’t believe the Justice is making My brother and sister drive five hours to come to Ottawa for the day for Pleasure.
So although My siblings have not been officially summoned to Court, I can guarantee they Will be freaking out, too! In fact, My guess is that some One at Milton’s Estates Law has probably already notified Rosen Sack to tell them the gig is up. Actually, now that I’m thing King about it, it’s probably not super fantastic that Neil is in Europe right now, either. I’m not really sure how well that argument Will be war King for him because I’m thing King that even if a Motion is heard virtually, One is probably supposed to be in the same jurisdiction as the individual they are allegedly defending. Honestly, maybe not – I have no Idea but it doesn’t seem right for some reason.
The reason I believe they Will be freaking out, is because I don’t believe the Court Will respond any further. Neil and Christopher Will either be there, or default judgment Will be awarded against them, and probably war-rants for their arrest, too!
What I’m most looking forward to, is wrapping up this chapter of My Story. If any of My audience were ever losing Faith, I wouldn’t blame them – it has been almost four years!
But this Will only be the beginning. There is so much more to My Story once this chapter is over, and the most incredible thing about it, is that the Part of My Story that’s coming up right now is the Part of My Story every One was most curious about. There’s always been Speculate-Sean that one day I would have some big win in Court, the Quest-Ion was never if, only when. And here We are on the Horizon (Horus-Son, Osiris) of the Golden Dawn!
Just for example, the very first Order of business for The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean after September 7th, Will be to let the insurance companies know that King Sean Wishes to appear for Joachim Heinrich ‘vondehn’ with respect to the Claims against his Estate. Then I get to tell the insurance companies what happened, and We go after Merovitz Potechin LLP for National Bank together. Fun stuff, right!?
Yeah, Noah Potechin was also probably thing King that when I told him he’ll be criminally liable to Me for fraud, theft, extorsion, extreme arrogance and whatever else, that it was some kind of joke. I guarantee by the end of this week, he Will not be finding Me so Funny.
So much more coming later this week, including all the Implicate-Sean’s this upcoming Victory Will mean.
Yeah, today’s photo is completely unrelated, I’m just using Kingston as click bait because People Love cats. Kingston is one of the smartest and most unusual cats I’ve ever known and the first cat I’ve ever had that loves water! My other cat bolts from the bathroom at the mere sound of the shower, Kingston runs into the bathroom and sits on the ledge, waiting for Me to pick him up and soak him! I try to keep his head dry but he doesn’t care, he’ll deliberately put his face directly in the stream. Wierdo – but awesome, too! He also Plays fetch (and Will actually bring the toy back to You and go nuts when You throw it again, just like a dog).
Love and Blessings,
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