Hello every One and welcome to the Thursday thing King Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. I have a Thoroughly Thrilling Thing King Edition for You today because Tucker on Twitter released its fourth installment today and I’m confident You Will agree that Tucker is most definitely the Wolf of Twitter’s Town Square and may well be able to help shepherd the sheep – maybe even help quarantine or immunize them from the #WokeMindVirus sweeping The West.
Once again, I must emphasize that just because I’m a fan of Tucker Carlson, I don’t necessarily support the opinions expressed. There are a lot of things Tucker has said that I strongly disagree with and would even call borderline biggotry, but I’m not going to get into it because I also saw him get called out for it by someone he was interviewing once. He apologized, stating that sometimes his anger with the incompetence of government is misdirected (paraphrasing, but that was the general gist). He even acknowledged personally working on his internal social biases so that he can be more objective as a journalist. I respect him just for the Way he handled the criticism, he’s incredibly charismatic. His Style reminds Me a little of Dennis Miller because I feel he’s trying to bring just enough humour and sarcasm to keep the material palpable enough to listen all the Way through without undermining the seriousness of the content (and how he differs from Dennis Miller on SNL). It is not easy being one of the only People telling the other side of the Story – it’s even more difficult when You are the most heard and watched alternate source for the official counter narrative.
And of course, it’s not coincidence that the other People of interest in My Microcosm that are making waves in Man’s Macrocosm are also sharing Tucker on Twitter with as much enthusiasm as I am. I Keep tall King about how I’m going to do a series on communism very soon with the intent of sharing My thoughts and opinions on the subject verses what most People (at least in The West) perceive communism to be. But to simplify My philosophy with respect to what communism Truly is, it’s the end of capitalism – NeoNazi Capitalism in particular.
So these videos are Good previews to preface My upcoming thesis, especially if One pays attention to what Tucker has to say about the Neo-Nazi Capitalist takeover of Washington. Despite how The Left may characterize Tucker Carlson, I’ve never heard him identify as a communist or show any support for the communist Manifesto. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him speak out against communism. However, on Twitter there are a mob on The Left trying to spread the rumour that Tucker is a Russian asset spreading Russian propaganda. Frankly, as much as Elon Musk says he’s made Twitter a free speech platform, I sincerely believe that if Elon believed there was any Truth in Tucker being a Russian ally knowingly spreading (false) propaganda, he would ban Tucker from Twitter. Elon has made it clear he is not a fan of Russia and would not Wish for Twitter to be used for Russian propaganda. In this particular case, the Word ‘propaganda’ refers to false information regarding Russia being presented as Truth. Telling the Truth about the war is not ‘propaganda’, though in the greater sense of the Word, it would be considered and labeled as propaganda to protect the propaganda (lies about the war). One can Imagine how it gets to be a pretty touchy subject for journalists and even potentially dangerous depending on where One is reporting from.
This is the third episode which I also shared here. In both cases, My intention behind sharing the videos is to be as King how many of the things Tucker is tall King about apply to Canada and its State Actors, too? Really, Canada just plays right along with whatever the United States is as King Canada to do. The U.S. is like ‘big brother’ to Canada. Canadians Will absolutely disagree with Me because that’s the last thing Canadians Wish to be compared to… At least until Justin Turdeau took office, Magic of that Spelling Intent-Sean-all. If I’m wrong, would Canada really be trying to BAN Fox News in Canada because Tucker criticized the #WokeMindVirus? You decide.
Are We beginning to believe in the Power of Man’s Word to make change in the world? Look at the power Tucker Carlson has. Consider how many People get scared every time they hear he’s released a new episode. Imagine that. That’s a Power One must harness carefully. Tucker is the Wolf of Twitter’s Town Square, there is no doubt about that! Is he The Wolf in this Universal Pictures Present a Sean? Or just the Wolf of Twitter’s Town Square?
One of the reasons that I scare so many People who have known Me in My Microcosm is the fact that virtually everything I am tall King about does eventually Manifest. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist since at least 2009, apparently. Here’s what I was trying to warn People about right here on this Blog fourteen years ago!!!
Brave New World or New World Order?
I’m also shamelessly promoting another Post from a couple years ago partially to remind People that I’m not a Trump supporter – but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore the conspiracies against him, and it’s very much because he Wishes to put an end to war as quickly as I do. Think what One Will about any of his other policies, Trump was ending wars and (therefore) the U.S. need to invest in wars (more importantly). He’s not Good for business, at least not for the military industrial complex. He’s Good for mom’s because he wants to stop sending their sons (and now daughters because We’ve become that much more barbaric in Our determinate Sean to make women ‘equal’ – they can now be subject to the horrors of war on the front lines; oh, how very far We’ve come in the Way of social progress).
Idiocracy Politics: Dumb and Dumber, Trudeau or Trump?
And although I’m also not a huge fan of Erin O’Toole, he is on the money with respect to Canada’s government here, pun intended. No wonder Trudeau Wishes to ban Fox News because they appear to be the only mainstream network in ‘The West’ that tells the Truth about Trudeau. For Canadian journalists, Brian Lilley and the Sun seem to be Canada’s version of Fox. For some reason, they seem to get away with being a lot more critical of Trudeau without getting cancelled (so far). On virtually everything else, they are just as propagandist, so they really aren’t any better, it just demonstrates that all parties represent the same idea globally. Canada has been usurped by foreign interests, the #WEF, and all State Actors in Canada are #WEFPuppets.
Here’s the short version.
And how many People are now dying because of #TrudeauTreason and his incompetence? Find out what international stats have to say about unexpected increased death rates across the globe – Canada among the most alarming. So alarming, it looks a lot like attempted genocide on a population.
Now You know the relevance of today’s screen shot and the source.

From the middle of July 2022, until January, 2023, the averate excess deaths were greater than twenty percent higher than expected. That is NOT at all normal!!! There is absolutely no reaosn this information should not be causing an immediate international investigate Sean.
However, that leads into the next Chapter of My Story, as I Will finally be Conducting an Investigate-Sean into Canada’s Crown Courts and Reporting My findings directly to the King, Charles III him Self!!! Yeah, that’s not a joke, either, and I Will be sharing all of that right here!
The new Chapter of My Story starts on Magical Monday officially, but I’m Giving ‘the Crown’ of Canada a head’s up just a couple of days before the Minister of Justice is Noted in Default for Civil and Criminal Liaibility for Breach of Trust, Interfering with Justice, and potentially Treason! So stay Tuned into this Universal Pictures Present a Sean for that and more coming soon.
Love and Blessings,
I’m also going to start including a new feature with every Post (if I remember):
Key Points of Dock: The Style and Heading of Endorsement is correct, and
He [King Sean, House von Dehn] alleges that the defendants Mr. von Dehn and Ms. Johnson have colluded to deprive the beneficiary of the plaintiff trust, [The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean] Sean von Dehn, of his rightful share of his father’s estate. He alleges that the defendant Hala Tabl, a lawyer, breached her fiduciary duties towards the estate’s beneficiaries.
Honourable Justice, Sally A. Gomery
The Judge acknowledges the Trust and that Sean von Dehn is the Beneficiary – no other Judge can deny that the position of Trust has been formally Established and recognized by the Court. No One has the right to change the Style or heading of documents, this is the example all Respondents are legally and lawfully required to follow. Even Judges cannot overturn matters already decided by the Court, this is a legal and lawful ruling on the Court of Record.
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